Most people fantasize the ideal work life, where they won’t be under the behest of any employer. Independence, flexibility, freewill are some of the terms commonly used by those who have been emancipated from the conventional work settings. It is quite enjoyable; being your own boss, dictating your own rules, not having to kit up very early in the morning to return late at night all fagged out, relieving yourself of the pressure you must go through each day. But then, it does come at a cost.
Now this is where the question of productivity comes in. It becomes quite challenging to surpass or even maintain the previous levels of efficiency attained with all the checks and balances predefined by the system. To put it quite frankly, it takes high level discipline. Well, it becomes quite ironic that you now have all the time in the world to do what you love doing but you are not as progressive in your plans as you have envisioned yourself to be. Why?
The answer is not quite straight forward though as it differs from person to person. Some feel less motivated to work due to the environment, some get distracted by the prevailing home activities while for some, just being alone subtly affects their output and what’s worse, they may not even notice it.
A co-working space is an all-in-one solution to these challenges. With the environment which is rightly designed and suited for work. The inspiring atmosphere bubbling with other working professionals is just enough to motivate you to do your ‘thing’ and the setup that makes it easier to separate your work from your home. This can really help draw the line between work and home and greatly improve your productivity.
What’s more? The social interaction and networking opportunities you’ll find in co-working spaces, a sharp contrast from when you’re working alone, secluded from the outside world. There’s a good chance you’ll meet small business owners, cooperate individuals, professionals, freelancers, networkers, startup employees or busy bees who can inspire you with their work energy.